Thierry Funck

My name is Thierry Funck, born on July 20th 1974 in Luxembourg and living in Prague.

I am an autodidact artist. Since childhood I have had a great interest in art and I always liked drawing. When I was 15 years old my father died and I lost all inspiration for every kind of art.

Since then I have done some other work in my life, but it did'nt fill me out and I always felt a certain emptiness in me.

My mother died of Dementia Illness in 2018 and something has changed in my life since my beloved mother's funeral. I felt and heard a voice in my head that said, "You were born to be an artist, so do what you were born to do."

"This gave me my inspiration back to start different projects and now I am a full-time artist with all my heart and soul."


IG: _titi_74



Hledá se YETTI 2021

Hlasujte pro neobjeveného nejlepšího umělce našeho festivalu! Hlas lidu je hlas boží. Každý může hlasovat pouze jednou. Prvních deset umělců dostane krásnou medaili a první dostane pohár YETTI 2021 - nejlepší umělec pro letošní rok.

Takže vzhůru na hlasování a držíme palce!

Vyhodnocení soutěže " Hledá se YETTI 2021" bude v sobotu 30. 10. 2021 v průběhu našeho slavnostního večera na festivalu.